Led by

Jill Miller

Jill Miller, C-IAYT, ERYT, YA-CEP fascia expert, has 30 years of corrective movement expertise that forges links between the worlds of yoga, massage, athletics, and pain management. Her signature self-care fitnes...

BODY BY BREATH: The Science And Practice Of Physical And Emotional Resilience | The Livestream Experience

Your breath is the baseline for all physical movement. While the primary purpose of the respiratory muscles is to facilitate breathing, their secondary duty is to assist your posture and motion. Breath's third responsibility is its unusual access to your nervous system’s stress state. These multiple roles are in constant flux.
Come explore this trinity of breath’s powers with Jill Miller
, creator of Yoga Tune Up® and the Roll Model® Method. Restore your core strength, stability, mobility, and resiliency as you: 

  • Learn the three zones of breathing and discover your body's breath preferences. 
  • Discover the shortcut to turning on your off switch through the vagus nerve. 
  • Massage the muscles and fascia of respiration.
  • Reset your ability to strengthen your core.
Through movement, breathwork, massage, meditation, and experiential anatomy, you'll embody your body from the inside out. 

Recommended reading and resources: Jill Miller, Body by Breath: The Science and Practice of Physical and Emotional Resilience
Suggested Prop for the program: https://www.tuneupfitness.com/shop/massage-ball-kits/body-by-breath-decompression-trio 
Date Time Location Teacher
- (1 hour and 30 minutes) Kripalu Center Jill Miller
- (2 hours and 30 minutes) Kripalu Center Jill Miller
- (2 hours and 30 minutes) Kripalu Center Jill Miller
- (2 hours) Kripalu Center Jill Miller